Our Drug Rehabilitation Center

Our Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility

Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Choices

The substance abuse rehabilitation center you choose has a great impact on the effectiveness of your treatment and recovery. At the Embark Recovery substance addiction rehab center in Prescott, AZ, patients benefit from Embark Recovery being one of the highest rated facilities in the state.

Our facility emulates real life in a controlled environment. Situated in a visually spectacular landscape with an amazing view, patients can enjoy a serene, therapeutic environment that actually expedites recovery. This is all part of the Embark Recovery philosophy. We do not keep patients in a locked-up, sheltered environment during their treatment. Exposing them to life experiences facilitates recovery, leading to successful and lasting results.

Our rehab center in Prescott and our highly regarded treatment programs are important factors that contribute to the success of our patients who all leave with the confidence to build a life worth living.

Drug Rehabilitation Center in Prescott AZ

If you or a loved one is suffering from drug addiction, the most effective way to get help is through a drug rehabilitation center. Embark Recovery’s Prescott, AZ, drug rehabilitation center is one of the leading rehab and treatment facilities in Arizona. For many years, we have successfully treated, rehabilitated, and guided individuals suffering from drug addiction. Our advanced facility, innovative effective treatment programs, highly qualified specialists, and accommodating financial options, have allowed us to help people and their families beat the disease of addiction.

Prescott Drug Rehab Center

Our drug rehabilitation center in Prescott, Arizona, sits in the middle of the area’s spectacular landscape. We are located in a serene environment that sits about 100 miles north of Phoenix, away from the crowds of people and the stressful atmosphere. We use a comprehensive therapeutic approach to treating addiction, addressing all facets of life to foster recovery for every patient. The beautiful aesthetics of the geography around our Prescott drug rehab center plays a critical role in the healing and recovery process.


As one of the leading drug rehab centers in Prescott, Arizona, our effective treatments are highly regarded in our industry. We offer a wide range of treatments for addictions to many types of drugs. For more information, visit our drug treatment page.

Our Team

The members of our drug addiction Team are second to none. Embark Recovery’s team consists of highly educated and highly experienced counselors, clinicians, and medical professionals. Each licensed member on our team holds a master’s degree or higher in substance abuse treatment related fields, and each has years of experience in addiction treatment and behavioral health.

Insurance & Financing

Embark Recovery is dedicated to helping you or your loved one. We work with several major insurance companies and offer financing options, so recovering patients can get the necessary treatment and rehabilitation.

Embark Recovery’s Prescott Drug Rehab Center can help you beat the disease of addiction. Give us a call at 877.788.5788 to speak with one of our addiction specialists.

Begin your road to recovery