Prescott Drug Addiction
The country is experiencing a lethal epidemic of drug addiction, particularly with opioids such as heroin and oxycodone. The President of the United States has even declared a state of emergency, and there’s a growing movement to crack down on drug manufacturers and doctors who are pushing these highly addictive drugs on patients.
Recently, the Arizona Daily Star reported that the state of Arizona ranked 8th in the nation for drug abuse problems, and drug addiction has destroyed countless families here in Prescott. While Prescott drug addiction can destroy lives, we believe there is always hope for recovery. If you or someone you know is suffering from drug addiction, there are many Prescott drug treatment centers ready to offer support.
Prescott Drug Treatment Centers
Arizona ranks in the top five of states with the highest percentage of adults with unmet drug-treatment needs. The state also ranked in the top five for the highest percentage of teenagers who were offered, sold, or given an illegal drug on school property. On top of that, the state is 10th when it comes to the percentage of teenagers who used illicit drugs in the past month, 13th for adults using illicit drugs in the past month, and 4th for the number of adults who needed treatment but did not receive it over the past year.
These numbers are simply inexcusable. The people of Arizona are suffering, and it’s important to know that there are roads to healing. Embark Recovery is one of the Prescott drug treatment centers that Arizona families can trust.
Embark Recovery, located in Prescott, Arizona, offers a wide array of alcohol and drug treatments for those suffering from addiction. We use a collaborative and personalized approach, and our patients work closely with our addiction specialists to effectively start on the road to recovery.
We offer many different kinds of treatments to our patients in order to optimize the best recovery possible. We offer outpatient drug treatment, alcohol treatment, dual diagnosis treatment, case management, life skills development, spiritual guidance programs, and other therapy programs. Each treatment service has its own way of giving our patients the strength they need to lead a life free from addiction.